Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Lord I love fall, Cool weather, changing leaves, turkey chili and Broncos. I haven't posted in a mostly because of the feeling that I wrote about on my last post and partly because I was sick of my summer clothes. Now that it has cooled down and I have pulled out some of my Autumn wardrobe I want to set a goal to post at least twice a week. However i am sort of out of the habit already and my husband may be going out of town for a few weeks so I might be single-momming it for a while. We shall see.

I absolutely love this coral sweater.

 I feel very Joan Holloway in this outfit.

The sweater is super light weight so it is perfect for fall.

The glasses are actually too big so I wear a chain to keep them from falling off my face and onto the floor.

Head to Toe :
Glasses: Coastal
Glasses Chain: DRs vision works
Sweater: H&M
Skirt: Target
Shoes: Naturlizers, DSW

I got an amazing sweater in the mail today today so look out for it on a post soon!

Happy fall everyone! -MB

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