Monday, October 29, 2012

Vacation adventures part 1

It's been a while since I have been able to post here on the Motherbird. My family went on a vacation to the East coast and attended an amazing wedding. As soon as we got home I had 2 days to create some Halloween costumes for Alex and to wear to our favorite party of the year!

I am amazed by the people who are able to travel constantly, whether for business or personal. We find it very stressful and disrupting. although we are always happy to see our friends and family we fell a bit anxious and worried throughout the trip. Part of this is because in 2011 our house was burglarized while we were out of town for ONE night.  Having your house vandalized is the worst, knowing some person was in your home. Scaring your poor cat and going through your things. We were so fortunate that nothing irreplaceable was taken and that no one, including the cat we injured. None the less we are no nervous to leave our home unattended. I am so grateful that my friend Kooj was willing to disrupt her life for a week and take care of our house. Thank god for friends. Having someone here settled our minds as much as possible.

My husband and I are creatures of habit, we like our schedules and beds and shows. However sometimes you gotta get away, see family and attend the ceremonies of very important people. We were fortunate to start our east coast vacations with a trip to a good friends family farm house. An amazing house with lush surroundings. No cell or reliable internet service. No radio or television. just 3 days of talking, eating and being with our child and friends.  The farm house is one of my favorite places ever, mostly because it reminds me of my summers in Oil City P.A at my grandparents house. I love that small town country living, at least for the short term.

We stare our festivities on the shore with a little Co-ed bachlorette party for the bride to be, Meg. 

 The boys enjoyed some frog hunting in the pond.

 Gorgeous view off the dock

 Nothing like cake and tequila to send a girl off right.

Our second day included a impromptu hay ride across the farm to the neighboring Emu and Llama farm .

We scored an Emu egg which I scrambled up one morning. It was pretty weird, mostly yolk. 

City boys being able to run freely!

We were able to take a few nature walk/carries and got plenty of fresh air!

HAHA Kid is so sick of the camera.

These wonderful people are the Bailey's, our host for the weekend and Andrews BFF's family.

It was great to spend some time just connecting with  my son. We are so busy all the time bustling here and there, that it was great to just run around with no plans or schedule. We finished our days at the shore and drove directly to Alexandria for Megs wedding, which I will talk about in my next post. This was pretty much our first family vacation since Andrew was born and it was really fun.

Hope everyone else has had a good fall. Also hoping that this house and all our friends and families properties on the east coast survive hurricane Sandy.


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