Thursday, July 19, 2012

5 Favorites

Food stuffs

1. Mexican, all types, any kind, any time.
2.Chocolate, especially Milka bars and fancy organics from Whole   Foods. Oh, and chocolate chips.
3. Soulvaki, with Tzatziki sauce. Either in a Greek salad or a pita wrap. 
4. Cheese
5. Birthday cake with a big ass scoop of ice cream on top.  Gotta let it melt a little.

1. Gone With the Wind
2. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
3. Bridget Jones Diary
4. Party Monster 
5. Julie and Julia

I realize that my list is maybe not as rounded as it could be. I would not say that my favorite movies are the  (BEST) movies but they are the ones that I most enjoy and have watched multiple times through out the years. 

1. Mad Men
2. The Walking Dead
3. Sons of Anarchy
 4. Parks and Recreation
5. Greys Anatomy , mostly because I have been watching it for like, 6 years.


This was was a hard category for me. We don't watch  tons of T.V but when we do its all programming that is well done and that we enjoy and that equals out to quite a few shows. I limited my list to shows that are current and either on air or in production. 


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