Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Awesome people

 Disclaimer: i am about to use the word awesome...A LOT.

I saw this guy on he Colbert report tonight and I was impressed by how healthy and vibrant he was. I would have guessed that he was about 75 but he is 93!

Pete Seeger

 Mr Seeger is a Banjo player , singer, songwriter who has worked with and outlived a lot of the greats. He is an OH (original Hipstah). Watching the interview with him I couldn't help but think, dude, this guy is awesome. It inspired me to post about the some other famous people who are awesome.

These awesome people are in no particular order.

Kevin Clash

 Kevin Clash is the voice of the furry red baby monster known as Elmo. Because I have a toddler in the house I am no stranger to the 'mo, however I didn't know about Kevin until I saw a documentary called "Being Elmo, a puppeteers journey". Whether you have kids or not, if you need inspiration you should catch this movie. I saw it on Netflix.  Kevin has been playing the voice of Elmo since the  80's and he is the one who originated the Elmo philosophy that makes his so popular "Elmo Loves Everybody". I don't want to say too much about Kevin because I want you to see the Documentary. But he is most definitely awesome.


When I was a kid I love the Roseanne show. It was about a tight family unit with normal everyday problems. I am pretty sure I watched it every season until the last, when I was in high school  and didn't watch much other than cute boys on the NGHS drumline.  Something I loved about Roseanne even then was that she never apologized for who she was, fat, loud, bossy, loving, funny, devoted.  She just made her joke and lived her (scripted life). Most recently I caught the only season of "Roseanne's Nuts: and as an adult I admired her in a new way. She was still herself, Fat, Loud, Bossy etc, but she was also Feminist, Empathic, Mother. Roseanne is Awesome and I kinda wanna be just like her... only still me. 

Julia Child

OK I will admit I didn't know much about Julia Child until I saw "Julie&Julia" which I know a lot of people hated, but I loved it and it is one of my top 5. After seeing the film I did what I walsya do a started reading up on MS. Child on the internet. Coincidentally my mother in law sent me a copy of "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" and so my love affair with Juila began. What can you say about a woman who fell in love in her 30's became famous in her 50's and won an Emmy at 89? Goes to show that you should never let someone tell you that you are too old for something, whether it be that Hello kitty tee, long hair or having babies. You have no expiration date! 

"If fear of food continues, it will be the death of gastronomy in the United States. Fortunately, the French don't suffer from the same hysteria we do. We should enjoy food and have fun. It is one of the simplest and nicest pleasures in life."
-Julia Child, Who by the way was rumored to be a spy!

 Betty White

 " Thank you for being a friend... travel down the road and back again". I love Betty white and all of the golden girls, this was another of my favorite shows when I was a kid. I will admit that I watched it on lifetime in the morning while getting ready for work for about 5 years. I have seen every episode at least twice. What I love most about Betty though isn't her amazing roll as Rose Nylund but her attitude now, having a career resurgence at 90 years old and handling it with grace and poise, and the occasional peen joke (love a good peen joke).  Also nice work on keeping your hair platinum and your lips pink for 50 years!

My last awesome person should come to no surprise. In fact I am not even going to write much of a blib. You all know and love him, and if you don't you should watch his work again. 

Neil Patrick Harris 

 You always make me laugh, you look great in a suit and "when I start to feel bad, I just stop and start being awesome instead". I am going to repeat that to myself for the rest of my years.  

Who are your favorite awesome people? Have a good one kids. 


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