Wednesday, August 1, 2012

OOTD Sandra and me.

Hello! I have been having a tough time keeping up with my blog already! We have been thinking about buying a new house so I have been obsessively pouring over homes on and watching even more "House Hunters" than usual. I got my shit together enough to take a few pics today.

Here is a nice Wednesday look. What exactly makes it a Wednesday look? Well, today IS Wednesday!
Head to Toe:
Earrings: Tiffany & CO, MOH gift from Mitzie
Tee:Nordstrom Rack
Shoes:Mother in law

Most of my OOTD posts are of me at work, since I worked at a salon I am standing most days so I wear the same shoes over and over. They have to be cute and comfortable. I like these although they are a little low for me, I prefer a heel, it reminds me to stand up straight.

Trying to loosen up here and take cuter post photos. I think I may need to try a self timer shot. Maybe I can get some cute ones like Elycia and Kayla use on their blogs.

How is my hair looking to you people? Today a client said to me "I used to wear my hair like that in the 80's" I kinda like 80's stuff, but I wasn't sure if that was a compliment?

I love these beautiful earring, they are one of the best gifts that I have ever received, but as with most dangly earrings, they hurt my damn ears.

I thought That Sandra looked especially cute today so I asked her if I could put her up on the blog! Here is Sandra's OOTD!

 It wasn't super hot in Denver today and her awesome boots made my longing for all things fall, even worse. I could seriously hurt someone for a pumpkin latte.

Here's a close up these boots, Sandra has been wondering if she should buy a good pair of cowboy boots, so since a good pair are pretty pricy ($200-$500) she has these pair on loan from a friend to see if they work for her.

Hope that everyone had a good Wednesday! And to ensure that you have a great Thursday, here is a pic of our salon Clone Trooper doing his best Micheal Jackson impersonation.


1 comment:

  1. You look so put together and purty! Your hair rocks too. Thanks for participating.
